Katerina Foutaki joined Design Engine in early 2021 as a Part II Architectural Assistant.
She graduated with distinction from the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL in 2019, where she obtained a Master of Arts in Architecture and Historic Urban Environments. Her design research thesis entitled ‘Robin Hood Gardens: reinterpreting brutalist ethics for a contemporary city’ explored the infamous social housing estate during an in-between state of half demolition. The project strived to highlight how the two seemingly antithetical notions of preservation and change can be reconciled in order to perceive transitions in historical environments as something positive. The project has been presented and published in the AMPS ‘Connections’ Journal in 2020.
Furthermore, Katerina holds a 5-year Diploma in Architectural Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. She is also a qualified Architect and a member of the ARB and the Technical Chamber of Greece.
Katerina has gained international experience working in architectural practices in Greece, Italy and the UK. During her previous position at Philip Meadowcroft Architects in London, she was involved in residential, community and cinema projects across different RIBA stages. Prior to this, she was part of Ipostudio Architetti in Florence, where she was engaged in large scale architectural projects such as the MICAS art gallery in Malta and the EOC Hospital extension in Switzerland.